What is an axiom? The first step to thinking straight.It is the ground on which all logics and mathematics rest. No axiom, no certainty. Reasoning your way until first principles will grant you…May 24, 2021May 24, 2021
Minha guitarra velhaEstou hoje com se tudo fosse aquela minha guitarra velha,May 23, 2021May 23, 2021
Motivation is for lab rats: Humans need greatnessMotivation is nothing but giving someone a motive to do something. The word motive comes from the Latin “movere,” and it means “to move.”…Jun 3, 2020Jun 3, 2020
Vendas internacionais: como receber do exteriorQual ferramenta usar para receber do exterior com menor custo?Oct 11, 2018Oct 11, 2018
Considerações sobre a vida moderna — Por Fernando Pessoa, Trecho 175, em Livro do Desassossego.175.Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018